
Lightly’s boutique coaching approach ignites more compassion in people and workplaces.


Remember Truth

What truths resonate with you?
What can you learn about them and yourself? 

Return to You

What is true for me, may not be true for you. Come back to your truth.

Go Lightly

Invite your inner knowing forward,
allow it to be heard, and act.


We have life experiences that spill over into work, and we have work experiences that spill over into life. Whether you're an executive, parent, or simply a human seeking growth, coaching can be a powerful catalyst for transformation.

  • Coaching

    Bring awareness to patterns that inhibit inspiration and authentic connection. Uncover the stickiest parts of your recurring personal patterns, breathe in acceptance, and shift behaviors to get the outcomes you want.

  • Workshops

    Build bonds with team members and gain a shared language to help remove interpersonal sludge. Create a foundational rhythm for speaking cleanly and openly that benefits self, others, and the organization.

  • Forums

    Pause task orientation and focus on the intangible undercurrents that color most of our work experiences. Forum is a safe place practice core principles consistently, share openly, and build connection and creativity in a group setting.

  • Retreats

    Slow down, disconnect, and just BE.
    Come back to your voice to better support yourself and others.
    Feeling called to know more? Click below to see where the journey will take you.



  • I have always considered myself a student of life. My doctoral studies taught me to ask a lot of questions about the human condition, understand behavioral patterns, and gather data. I’ve arrived at a few general conclusions across the population, but there is still so much more to unveil around individual preferences/differences. Science creates a wonderful foundation but still leaves us with so much mystery—and I appreciate both, the certainty and the unexplained.

  • I’ve been on this planet for a second (40-some years, to be exact)—and in that time, I’ve observed many things and listened intently to the stories of others. I believe humans are innate storytellers, from ancient scripture and cave drawings to Instagram posts; we do this to make sense of the world, build connections, and feel less alone. I’m no different than any other storyteller in trying to achieve those things.

  • An idea is only as good as its application - there are LOTS of ideas, but only the very best ones are actually brought to life. My work is designed to inspire people to do good. It doesn’t matter who you are, the challenge for any person is to balance needs and objectives with real human experiences. Neither of those can come at the expense of the other, and I can support people in striking that balance.

  • I meet clients exactly where they are—whether they identify as “spiritual” or “mindful” - or not. There are certain unobservable and undeniable aspects of their experience that define who they are and dictate the decisions they make. To me, this is spirituality. I believe in universal truths (a truth that regardless of your background, religion, country of origin, belief system, nationality, skin color, or gender, is just a part of being a human on this earth) and do not consider them rules, but rather, principles that reliably and consistently lead to predictable outcomes.

    My universal truths?

    I believe that no matter who you are and what you're doing: Compassion always rules. You have access to a truth inside of you. You have wants. You have attractions and aversions. You have a mind that is hardwired to keep you alive and often misperceives threats. You can be better than you are currently. Your feelings will not kill you, but your avoidance of them might. What I believe about you (and what you believe about you) today may change tomorrow.

Core Principles

Taking Responsibility


Blaming & Criticizing




Maintaining integrity


creating disconnection

We are human beings, being human, and we don't turn that off at work. Here are what some humans shared about their experiences with Lightly…


let’s connect.